Sample type and specific instructions are detailed next to each test on our request forms. All details have been compiled in the sample collection guide.
Sample preparation
For some assays (Phagotest, serum cytokines, PrPC), samples require a specific processing within a couple of hours.
Doctors that are willing to order such assays, but work outside Belgium, are encouraged to contact us to discuss how sample processing and pick-up can be organized.
All specimen vials/tubes must be clearly labeled. Please use appropriate containers to ship samples (see the indication on the request form).
We recommend the following tubes (but the use of equivalent tubes from other providers like Greiner Bio-One is fine also):
Serum tube: Gel-containing serum tube (like Yellow-capped BD Vacutainer SST II Advance or Red-capped serum tube from Greiner BioOne)
EDTA whole blood tube: Lavender-capped BD tube 4ml (BD Hemogard™, cat n° 3368861 SP)
Heparin tube: Green-capped BD tube 10ml (BD Hemogard™, cat n° 368480)
RNA whole blood tube: Tempus™ tube (Life Technologies cat n° 4342792) ; we can send this tube (7€ + shipping costs)
Tube for MSA assay: Metagenomics stool analysis (MSA) requires a special collection kit. Please contact us to receive a kit and the sample collection instructions.

Samples for Nagalase Activity Assay need to be collected as follows:
Requested sample: serum OR plasma
Instructions for sample preparation and shipping:
3ml serum: collect blood in serum tube (tube with a gel separator), allow to clot for 1h, centrifuge (3000rpm 10min), aliquot & store at –20° / –80°C. Send frozen (dry ice). Centrifuged serum tube could be shipped on ambient temperature if its delivery to our Lab is ensured in max 24h after the blood sampling.
OR 3 ml plasma: collect blood in BD EDTA tube (9ml or 2x 4.5ml), centrifuge (3000rpm 10min), max 1h after sampling, aliquot & store at –20° / –80°C. Send frozen (dry ice).
For most of our assays, preparation of samples, timing and conditions of shipment are critical.
On the request form you will find the sample requirements, as well as sample storage/shipment conditions for each of our assays.
For certain assays, when the samples can be kept at ambient temperature or 4°C for at least 24 hours (see detailed information on the request form), or if the sample can be frozen before processing, samples can be send using international shippers that can guarantee on time delivery.
Please contact us for shipment of kits & samples info@redlabs.be.